
Kalyani, The beautiful woman.

Kalayani represents every woman in us. She is Beautiful; Auspicious; Blessed; Blissful and Fortunate

Why do we focus on Women’s health? They are the ones who are least bothered about their health. They have lots of excuses like they don’t have enough time, nobody takes care of their wellbeing, not enough financials, and the list never ends. Because of the negligence, even the easily curable diseases become incurable or end up in complications. We are trying to educate them, make them aware of the magic hands of Ayurveda.

Compared to men, women undergo lots of physical and mental changes in their life like puberty, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, menopause, and so on. In all these stages, she needs certain care, nourishment, and support. But in our new lifestyle, we ignore those aspects. It affects her health- the mother.

Their emotional and physical imbalances affect our kids in many ways; it reflects personal, social relationships and society. So for a healthy generation, we should shift our attention to women’s health, among other things.

We are focusing on issues like PCOD, PCOS, obesity, thyroid problems, hormonal changes, and also we urge to bring back the traditional wisdom on caring women and her health, to bring back the smile in her,

Be Responsible for your health. We can help you in that path of yours, holding your hand in every step – to regain the true beauty in you. Kalayani represents every woman in us. She is Beautiful; Auspicious; Blessed; Blissful and Fortunate

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  • Kalyani, The beautiful woman.
    Women undergo lots of physical and mental changes in their life like puberty, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, menopause, and so on. In all these stages, she needs certain care, nourishment, and support. But in our new lifestyle, we ignore those aspects. It affects her health- the mother.
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